Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Migraining Like Woah Over Here

Life's been hard lately. Botox, then a lingering cold have left me mostly bedridden. Neck weakness, coughing, and blowing my nose until my ears pop are all migraine triggers and boy, have I been migraining. I really want to go outside today. But I've been saying that every day.

How do I deal with this quality of life? Dissociation and living in the moment, enjoying the little things as if they were huge and stalking every chronic pain and migraine community I can find. So, shout-outs to Hulu and Gamershood, Livejournal, all the babes at the Chronicbabe forums, and everyone on my amazing blogroll, which you can check out down there on the right. Thanks for keeping me alive!


Shalunya said...

I know exactly of what you speak. Sometimes my computer is my lifeline. Especially since I am in Korea and prefer to have someone with me if I leave the base. Hubby is working 12 hr days and I have had 4 migraines in the past 10 days. So I am pretty much stuck in the dorm room with no one to play with :( I usually get out and go to the library and base exchange; but they are both really tiny. The are also right across the street so it only takes a 30 second walk to get there. And being cooped up all the time isn't helping my mood which gives me more migraines. Blah! So I am right there with you in spirit sister! Thanks for being a bright spot in my day :)

Migrainista said...

Me too! We're so lucky to live in the digital age.

WinnyNinny PooPoo said...

Hoping it clears up for the weekend! Sorry the Botox caused more issues...was hoping it would stop the headaches!

Heather said...

Can I just say I LOOOOVE your title, like woah?! :) Hope things get better for you soon - glad you're staying positive!