Thursday, February 18, 2010

Marijuana Helps Ease Pain (O RLY?)


"The state-funded California Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research announced that its studies have shown marijuana to have therapeutic value in a report released on February 17.

The ten-year, $8.7-million medical marijuana research program, established at the University of California in 2000, reported positive results in six different human clinical trials regarding chronic pain, spasticity and vaporization.

Four of the CMCR studies found cannabis effective in treating painful HIV neuropathy, (Ellis, 2009), neuropathic pain (Wilsey, 2008) and migraine headaches (Meng, 2003); and as a "modest analgesia" in capsaicin-induced pain (Wallace, 2007)."

Read the full article here. Or go straight to the study: in pdf format.

This is obviously not news to me, being a proud card holder. In fact, I did my own sort of study this week when I ran out of marijuana and had to resort to using pills exclusively. My pain was NOT under control, I was less than half as functional and I haven't pooped in four days.

Viva la pot.


WinnyNinny PooPoo said...

In my state it is still a felony to possess MJ. Isn't that crazy???

steph said...

It's terrible how stigmatized and criminalized marijuana is in most of the country. I feel very lucky to live where it's legal.

Sue said...

It's legal here, but our doc doesn't believe in prescribing it. ~sigh~

However, everyone in the city "knows a guy who knows a guy" and getting it is simple. My husband uses it for his MS - it really helps the spasticity in his legs.

As for me - hasn't helped with the head pain at all unfortunately. Mind you, it's been awhile since I've tried it....

steph said...

In my area, patients have to go to a separate doctor for their marijuana referral. I don't know if this is a law or just the natural result of a need being filled when the "regular" doctors refuse to recommend it for fear of backlash.

It's a minimal inconvenience. It probably makes it easier, really. The doctor had recommendations for me as per dosage and method of ingestion. She explained the possible side effects and adverse reactions I could expect. "Regular" doctors don't know this information, as a sweeping generality. Imagine going straight to the maxalt doctor, or to the insulin clinic, they'd know their stuff pretty well.