Sunday, December 10, 2017

Listen to The Head Stabbings

Cardio updates bring me here at least once every three months and every time I'm like... already? I miss when I used to write here every day, wish I still had that mental focus, but I have a physical strength now that I never imagined I'd have again then, so let's pretend it's a trade-off.

Per the chart, my frequency and endurance have both decreased.

I managed to get out 40 days out of 90, but I'm struggling to make it any more than twenty minutes. I upped my antidepressants a week or so ago, I'm hoping that will help me get moving more regularly. What stops me frequently is head pain, but also body aches and exhaustion. The former is good to listen to, head stabbings don't respond well to cardio in my experience, but the aches and the fatigue can be helped by exercise, if I can get over the initial hump.

I can do 30 half-pushups, not sure if I've recorded that yet here. I'm not trying to increase them to full pushups, it's just too much strain on my head, but I do push it to 40 when I can.

The weather's been cooler, which is so great for cardio. It takes much longer for me to get hot, which means I have more freedom and can go for longer. Though, I think the changing weather has been hard on me in other ways, so I don't know how much I'm really getting out of the cooler temperatures in the end.

One step, one day, one breath, one migraine at a time. :)
